
Serious foetal complication of severe pre-eclampsia: severe intrauterine growth restriction

Objective. Intrauterine growth restriction is a common foetal complication of severe pre-eclampsia. The diagno­sis is suspected on the basis of inadequate uterine height and is confirmed by ultrasound biometry below the 3rd percentile of uterine height. This complication is associ­ated with high neonatal morbidity and mortality if not managed early and appropriately. The aim of this study is to clarify the epidemiological data of patients with in­trauterine growth restriction and the management of this condition.
Materials and Methods. This is a retrospective and evaluative study. It was carried out in the Department D of the Mater­nity and Neonatology Centre in Tunis, which is a level 3 ma­ternity hospital. We included all cases of severe intrauterine growth restriction with complications of pre-eclampsia that were managed in this department during the period January 2018-December 2023.
Results. We collected 64 cases of intrauterine growth retarda­tion. The mean age of the pregnant women was 28.3 years. The mean gestational age was 3.4. The mean parity was 1.6. A history of pre-eclampsia was noted in 3 cases. We noted 3 cases of insulin-treated diabetes and 2 cases of treated hypo­thyroidism. The diagnosis was made.
Conclusions. In all cases of pre-eclampsia, the diagnosis was made by biological examination before and after delivery. Growth retardation was the only complication of pre-eclamp­sia in 40 cases. This complication was associated with renal failure in 18 cases and retroplacental haematoma in 6 cases. Treatment was termination of pregnancy in all cases. Delivery was by caesarean section in 60 cases.

Table of Content: Vol. 36 (Supplement No. 2) 2024 – Conference Proceedings

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