
Rh alloimmunization awareness among pregnant women in the north of Jordan: a cross-sectional study


Objective. Rh alloimmunization is a condition where antibodies develop against fetal red blood cell antigens; this can lead to severe complications. However, studies on the awareness among pregnant women about this condition remain limited. This cross-sectional study aims to assess the awareness of Rh alloimmunization among pregnant women in the north of Jordan as a preliminary step toward enhancing the quality of healthcare services provided.
Materials and Methods. In this study, a total of 403 pregnant women were enrolled. Data were collected from pregnant women attending antenatal clinics at King Abdullah University Hospital and Princess Badea’a Hospital using a validated questionnaire. The questionnaire covered various aspects including demographics, awareness of blood type, current pregnancy history, anti-D immunoglobulin administration, and knowledge of Rh alloimmunization. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, version 26, focusing on the awareness level of the participants and making comparisons between different categories. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were employed to examine potential variations in knowledge scores.
Results. Based on our results, 39.5% of the participants were aware about Rh alloimmunization, its associated complications, and anti-D immunoglobulin. In addition, the analysis revealed a significant association between a higher level of knowledge about Rh alloimmunization and higher educational level, better socioeconomic status, first pregnancy, negative Rh status, exposure to a sensitizing event during pregnancy, history of indirect Coombs test and anti-D immunoglobulin administration (P-values < 0.001).
Conclusions. The study concluded that there was poor knowledge regarding Rh alloimmunization, its associated complications, and anti-D immunoglobulins.

Table of Content: Vol. 36 (No. 3) 2024 September

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