Predictive risk factors for occurrence of tubo‑ovarian abscess in patients with ovarian endometriosis: a prospective comparative study
Objective. To assess demographical and clinical criteria of patients with tubo‑ovarian abscesses (TOAs) to evaluate predictive risk factors of occurrence of ovarian endometriosis-tubo‑ovarian abscess (OE-TOA).
Patients and Methods. In the current case control comparative study, 200 patients with OE were included and divided into the first group (the case) (composed of 80 patients with OE-TOA) and the second group (the control) (composed of 120 patients with OE but no TOA). Then we compared between both groups regarding all parameters.
Results. There is statistically significant relation between occurrence of combined OE and TOA and spontaneous rupture of ovarian cyst (p = 0.026), history of PID (p = 0.26) and presence of DM (p = 0.32). Spontaneous rupture of ovarian cyst and history of PID are significantly associated with combined OE and TOA.
Lower genital tract infections were diagnosed in 8 (66.7%) of patients in the first group (OE-TOAs) and were diagnosed in only 4 (33.3%) patients with OE without TOAs (p = 0.042).
History of spontaneous rupture of OE cyst and PID independently increased risk of TOA+ OE by 2.819 and 2.547 folds, respectively.
Conclusions. We found that predictive risk factors of OE-TOA were rupture of OE cysts spontaneously in addition to lower genital tract infections, low immunity and neglected pelvic inflammatory diseases.