
Healthcare professionals’ attitudes on “Female Genital Mutilation”: an observational study


Objective. To explore attitudes and perceptions on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Italian healthcare professionals, focusing on their agreements or disagreements associated to their education levels in this task.
Materials and Methods. An on-line, observational, cross-sectional and multicentre study was carried out from July 2021 to February 2022, through social media platforms.
Results. There was insufficient knowledge and preparation on the topic of FGM (p = 0.002). Only 35.8% (n = 86) of professionals disagreed with the practice know the Law n. of 9 January 2006 (p = 0.001). 80.4% (n = 193) of the sample declared the absence of healthcare workers dedicated to support women in this phase. 68.8% (n = 165) of participants who disagreed with this practice did not receive post-basic training in the care of the FGM woman (p = 0.001).
Conclusions. There were some gaps in the FGM knowledge among healthcare professionals who were nevertheless recognized by the WHO as the main actors in the eradication of this practice.

Table of Content: Vol. 36 (No. 1) 2024 March

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