
Case report: incomplete Cauda Equina Syndrome following a caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia


Background. The Cauda Equina Syndrome is a condition of severe compression or inflammation of the nerves that make up the cauda, that is the anatomical structure consisting of the last spinal roots.
Case presentation. On the second day after a caesarean section, a 34-year-old woman at her third pregnancy referred urinary retention, dysesthesia in the but tock and posterior region of the left thigh; constipation on the fifth day. After several clinical examinations, and having excluded the more statistically likely aetiologies, an incomplete Cauda Equina Syndrome was diagnosed, caused by chemical arachnoiditis from a spinal anaesthesia based on hyperbaric bupiva caine. The pathology resolved spontaneously and was not necessary to adopt any therapy other than the minimally invasive one. The urological symptoms were the first to completely disappear, while constipation resolved a few weeks later.
Today, only a slight dysesthesia remains in the aforementioned areas.
Conclusions. Spinal anaesthesia still proves to be a safe and absolutely practica ble method, even if not totally free of serious risks.

Table of Content: Vol. 34 (No. 4) 2022 December

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